Photo by Robert Thiemann on Unsplash

It has been three Sundays since the Resurrection Sunday. I started to write that weekend, but I was chasing many deadlines, and afterwards, I was tired. Events have overtaken that piece for now, but because I started the season on Ash Wednesday, I think it is only right that I wrap it up by telling you how the Lenten period was for me and what I will do differently next year, God helping me.

For the first time as an adult, I was intentional about observing lent. I will definitely do it again! It was such a gift, to be compelled to pause, reflect, give up, and take up. I had some discussions about Lent, after my article titled “Ashes and Lent.” A few friends argued that Christians could take up the disciplines of Lent all year round, hence Lent is not necessary. I agreed with them, but the question I asked repeatedly was, “Have we been observing these disciplines all year round or any random time of the year?” If Lent helps us to draw closer to God, to pause and separate ourselves from some of the distractions of this world, what harm is there in observing it?

Giving up movies and games made room for me to read more and listen to more Bible-focused messages. I wrote some, and I shared some of the songs I was listening to on my WhatsApp status, as I planned to. I enjoyed rereading the four Gospels’ accounts of the events leading up to the Crucifixion of Jesus, and the aftermath. I started a chronological journey through the Bible too, but I did not go far.

The entire Lenten period was extremely busy for me, and I was exhausted a great deal. That is one thing I hope to do differently next year. I would love to be able to take long retreats during Lent, to really pause and get away from the distractions of the daily grind and work deadlines. I would love to have days during that period that I spend immersed in Bible Study and prayer, without distractions. With God’s help, I will make concrete plans so that I have a light schedule from 22 February 2023 to 9 April 2023.

But I will not wait till next year. Even with the busyness and exhaustion, I enjoyed the moments of pause and reflection. So, I will intentionally look for chunks of two or three days at various times during the year, that I can dedicate to Bible Study, prayer, and rest. All of the believer’s life should be worship – sleep, work, eating, play, everything! Yet, our LORD Jesus chose solitude sometimes. He would withdraw from the crowds to lonely places to pray (Luke 5:16).

One beautiful thing about the Bible’s narrative is that the story does not end with the Resurrection or Ascension of Jesus to Heaven. Fifty days after the Resurrection, the Holy Spirit came to dwell with the believers, in fulfilment of Jesus’ promise. That is another reason to trust that another promise will be fulfilled – that Jesus is coming again, and this time, to reward and to reign. So, the story continues, with you and me, watching and waiting, in season and out of season.


Olutobi said…
Thank you for the reminder to pause....
Tolu said…
Thank you faith Sharing with us the important blessings of letting season to build into us a discipline spirit. And the other benefits to really bring us closer to God. The how to observe without with genuine intentions is also very important.
Unknown said…
This is worth reflecting on we need to go in solidarity withdraw our selves from the things of this world to pray, have some quite time with God to enable us hear him speak back to us, we are to busy with the activities of life and need to draw closer to our maker and deepen our relationship with him thank you faith for this piece its a reminder to all Christians.
Moji said…
Many times, most of us take leave at work when the noise is too much and we need to rest and recalibrate to be productive and give our best but we rarely recognise that the same thing applies to our relationship with God. Life will always keep happening and demanding our attention, and sometimes we need to tell life, I'll take a leave to just sit still and rest in the presence of God, our saviour and our peace! I hope and pray that this is something I am able to do.
Bem said…
I used to take one weekend every month to go on a retreat somewhere away from home, fast, pray, reflect. I haven’t done it in years, and reading this has encouraged me to go back to it. Thank you for sharing.
Aimy said…
I have never really seen Lent in this light until this piece. Thanks for sharing Faith.
Inem Michael said…
Thanks for this reminder. Stay blessed

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